Lager Series: Myth of Permanence 007 Doppelbock

Doppelbock 8.5%

The seventh in a monthly series of limited-releases showcasing various lager styles and, of course, meditating on the transience of all things. This month we worked with our friends at The Harbord House to create a little taste of Germany that would perfectly pair with their signature house burger. And our doppelbock was born! This full bodied 8.5% lager pours a magnificent deep ruby colour, as aromas of dates, plums and caramel flow out of the can. Our doppelbock has notes of bread crusts and raisins, complimented by just enough bitterness to finish off with a dry, lingering caramel. There is only a limited quantity so, while you might want this beer to stick around forever, it won’t.

OG: 20.0
IBU: 25
SRM: 21
Carbonation: 2.40 Volumes (Medium)
Malts: Munich II
Hops: Magnum, Saphir
Yeast: W 34/70 Lager
Appearance: Brilliant clarity, deep ruby, thin layer of tan head
Aroma: Rich bread crusts, dates, plums, caramel, toast, mild cherry
Taste: Rich malty notes of bread crusts, toast, raisins, mild hop spice, caramel
Mouthfeel: Full bodied with a round maltiness, enough carbonation to lighten the middle, enough bitterness to finish off dry, lingering caramel
Overall impression: A rich malty amber lager that showcases Munich malt and kettle caramelization flavours and aromas.

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