Fetchez La Vache 4: Herd Immunity

Their mother was a hamster and their father smelt of elderberries. Now they’re in town with a few days to kill.
This summer, the bovines won’t be taking a vacation…in space, where no one can hear you scream.
Bigger. Smarter. Faster. Meaner. So many cows, so little time to determine the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow. Be thirsty. Be very thirsty.
This sipper was aged for 5 months inside our bourbon barrels, giving it time to soak up the flavour, yet still keep it balanced. It’s a dark old ale that will provide warmth and leave your palate lingering with notes of molasses and drying tannins.
Fill your vessel of choice & then please permit us to cheers in your general direction.
OG: 21.0
IBU: 30
SRM: 27
Carbonation: 2.40 Volumes (Medium)
Malts: Pale 2 Row, Vienna, Oat Malt, Crystal 120, Crystal 85, Carafa Special III, Pale Chocolate
Hops: Magnum, East Kent Golding
Yeast: English Ale
Appearance: The darkest a brown can be before it is black, thin tan head
Aroma: Bourbony notes of toffee, oak and tannins, toast, boozy, figs, raisins, vanilla, licorice and earthy cacao
Taste: Sweet bourbon, oaky tannins, vanilla, prunes, roses
Mouthfeel: Medium full body, warming alcohol, lingering molasses, drying tannins
Overall impression: A dark fruity old ale that has soaked up lots of bourbon notes and a pleasing tannic note