Barberian's Rare Ale

Amber Ale5.5% ABV

We have partnered with Barberian's Steak House to bring you something special. To create Barberian's Rare Ale, we took our flagship Best Amber Ale and aged it over oak staves

The result? A creamy amber ale with notes of caramel, vanilla, spicy hops, toasty malt and oak tannins. But before you take a sip, be sure to take in the sweet and slightly fruity aroma of the velvety tan head.

Appearance: Coppery amber, slight haze, thin tan head
Aroma: Caramel, vanilla, herbal hops, mild citrus, fruity esters
Taste: Vanilla, caramel, spicy hops, oak tannins, fruity esters, toasty malt
Mouthfeel: Medium body with a drying tannic finish, creamy
Overall impression: Our classic Henderson's Best with some vanilla and oak tannins to round out the aroma and flavour

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