Ladder To The Moon

Dark Saison aged in bourbon barrels with rosemary and lemon verbena
OG: 16.5 Plato
IBU: 42
SRM: 25
Malt: Flaked Oats, Caramunich, Carafa, Dark Belgian Candi Syrup
Hops: Magnum, Goldings
Yeast: Escarpment Old World Saison Blend
Other: Rosemary and Lemon Verbena added to fermenter
Extras: Barrel-aged in Heaven Hill bourbon barrels for 5 months (second use after Henderson’s Beast 2017).
Aroma: Herbaceous element dominates with notes of lemon peel, rosemary, and floral. Some spice.
Appearance: Dark Mahogany brown with some red tones. Opaque. Short lived tan head
Taste: Herbal notes with lemon, spice, and menthol character. Moderate hop bitterness Some caramel in the back. Some warming heat present. Hint of leather.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, medium-high carbonation. Slightly prickly on the tongue. Dry.
Overall Impression: A complex, herbal, dry barrel-aged dark saison.