Myth of Permanence 010: Dortmunder

The tenth in a monthly series of limited-releases showcasing various lager styles and, of course, meditating on the transience of all things.
Originally brewed in Dortmund, Germany in the 1870s, this beer style is often considered a middle ground between a Helles and a Pilsner. While Helles tends to be more malt-forward, and Pilsner more hop-forward, the Dortmunder is a tasty balance of malt sweetness and hop bitterness.
Our collaboration with Old Town Bodega is a brilliantly golden Dortmunder with notes of doughy malt, spicy and floral hops and just a touch of citrus; a clean, crisp lager that’s just what we need for summer.
OG: 12.3
IBU: 30
SRM: 6
Carbonation: 2.60 Volumes (Medium High)
Malts: Pilsner, Munich II
Hops: Magnum, Diamant
Yeast: W34/70
Appearance: Brilliant golden, thin white head
Aroma: Spicy hops, doughy malt, crackers, fresh flowers, mild lemon citrus
Taste: Doughy malt, spicy and floral hops, mild citrus, sweet malt hits the palate first, then a herbal hop bitterness cuts through to balance it out
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a spritzy carbonation
Overall impression: A clean, crisp lager that strikes a tasty balance of malt sweetness and hoppy bitterness