
For our 5th anniversary, we brewed something that is a nod to our namesake, a style that Robert Henderson himself likely brewed back in the 18th century in Toronto – a Traditional, Robust Porter. At 6%, this dark ale is crisp and easy drinking, with notes of stone fruit and roses.
OG: 15.0
IBU: 30
SRM: 28.0
Carbonation: 2.30 Volumes (Medium Low)
Malts: Pale 2 Row, Munich II, Crystal 45, Crystal 120, Carafa Special III, Black Malt
Hops: Magnum, East Kent Golding
Yeast: English Ale
Appearance: Deep brown, with thin brown foam
Aroma: Plums, chocolate, vinous, floral, mild woody hops, bread crusts
Taste: Rich and bready, chocolate, vinous, stone fruit, floral, lingering mild roast
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a light carbonation, slightly creamy
Overall impression: An easy drinking dark ale with notes of stone fruit and roses