Rube Goldbeer

Belgian Tripel9.5%

This complex, yet refreshing Belgian ale has upfront notes of malt candy sweetness, followed by spice notes and balanced by a slight alcohol warmth.  With notes of clove, pepper and banana, this is a lovingly crafted, traditional Belgian ale. 

A moderate hop bitterness cleanses the palate, leaving you with a complex, dry finish.

OG: 19.5 P IBU: 24 SRM: 5
Malts: Belgian Pilsner, Carabelges, CaraFoam, Flaked Oats, Flaked Wheat, Dextrose
Hops: Magnum, Celia, Mittlefruh
Yeast: Belgian Abbey Ale
Bottle/keg conditioned

Aroma: Spice notes including clove and black pepper, hint of banana. Subtle malt-candy in the background.

Appearance: Gold, slightly clouding with a persistent ivory-colored head. Some lacin.

Taste: Malt candy sweetness upfront followed by spice notes balanced by slight alcohol warmth. Clove, pepper, and banana all present. Moderate hop bitterness clears the palate. Some complexity Finishes dry.

Mouthfeel: Medium-high carbonation, medium body, slight creaminess. Refreshing.

Overall Impression: A complex, high alcohol, yet refreshing Belgian ale.

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