Super Tasty Greats, Volume 2

Just in time for spring, it’s Volume 2 in our series of classic dry-hopped lagers. This one features eight all-time favourite original hops and malts.
OG: 12.0
IBU: 30
SRM: 4
Carbonation: 2.40 Volumes (Medium)
Malts: Pilsner, Carafoam, Munich II, Acidulated
Hops: Northern Brewer, Tettnanger, Mount Hood, Saphir
Yeast: Weihenstephan 34/70 Lager
Appearance: Brilliant pale golden, lingering white head
Aroma: Hoppy spice, mild citrus, biscuity malt
Taste: Sweet malt, spicy, berries, slightly tart, mild bitterness in finish
Mouthfeel: Round malt, dry, lingering hoppiness
Overall impression: An aromatic lager with clean, crisp noble hop character. It's more than a feeling.