Henderson X Palm - Double Fusion

Amber Ale5.5%
Some time ago, we came across a delicious belgian amber ale called Palm, so we rang them up and asked if they wanted to do a collab. A few phone calls later, and a plan was hatched: we'd brew their recipe here in Toronto with our yeast and they would brew our recipe in Belgium with their yeast the beer in your hand is the first of these two international collaborations.

Palm x Henderson x Bench Collab
OG: 13
FG: 2.9
ABV: 5.5
IBU: 30
SRM: 14.2
Clarity: Amber Clear
Carbonation: 2.5
Malt: 2-Row, Dingemans Aromatic, CaraMunich 60, Wheat Malt, Carafa Special III
Hops: Magnum, Hallertau Mittlefruh, Simcoe, Cascade
Yeast: English Ale II
Appearance: Rich Amber
Aroma: Bright hop aroma, with floral, citrus, pine, and resinous notes
Taste: Rich caramel malt followed with hop notes of citrus, pine
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, smooth finish, no astringency
Overall: A classic modern American amber ale with classic noble hops, great for any occasion

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