Devil's Tuning Fork

Belgian character pervades this one-off, limited run, dry amber with notes of caramel, bubble gum, spicy cloves and fall spices.
OG: 14 IBU: 35 SRM: 20
Carbonation: 2.40 volumes (Medium)
Malts: Pale 2 Row, caramunich 3, carafoam, caramalt, carafa special 3
Hops: Magnum, centennial , amarillo
Appearance: Coppery amber, very slight haze, tan thin head.
Aroma: Caramel, cloves, bubblegum, light citrus, fruit esters.
Taste: Caramel amber notes partnered with bubble gum, spicy cloves, fall spices and a dry finish.
Mouthfeel: Dry ale with lingering ester notes.
Overall impression: An interesting amber ale with strong Belgian character.