Ides 7: Put Your Scarf On, Geddy!

Canadian Imperial Stout10%

We think of this story every time we put the summer clothes away and pull the scarves and hats out of storage.

Back in high school, there was a girl who claimed she was Geddy’s cousin. According to her, Geddy’s mother’s thick Polish accent rounded off the corners of his more pedestrian ‘real’ name, Gary.

The girl said she could remember hearing his mom call out “Put your scarf on, Geddy, or you’ll catch cold!”

Whether or not her story is true, his mom’s advice is wisdom for the ages. This decidedly winter beer, like a big cozy scarf for your tummy, is a toast to Geddy’s mom’s good sense, and the desire we all share to not catch cold.

This beer is brewed with rye which makes it drier than typical beers of this style (and why we call it a Canadian Imperial Stout).  The dry-hopping adds grass notes to the upfront chocolate and coffee taste.  This beer is perfect for aging.

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