Ides 36: Picnic

Canada’s first park was opened in 1860 — just a few kilometres from where our brewery now stands — by Edward Prince of Wales (eventually to be King), and was named for Queen Victoria. Today, the park serves mainly as a thoroughfare for university students but, at one time, citizens of our growing city used it for respite from their daily grind and for social gatherings. It’s not hard to picture this precursor to today’s park culture: civilized groups of people picnicking under the park’s many shady trees. Very likely they would have been enjoying a glass of equally civilized beer with their cucumber sandwiches and carrot sticks. This light, hazy, tart, thirst-quenching table beer with Meyer lemon juice and zest is a toast to those days and to that park: Queen’s Park.
OG: 9 Plato ABV: 3.7% IBU: 7 SRM: 4
Malts: Pale, flaked oats, Golden Naked Oats
Hops: Mandarina Bavaria
Yeast: California Ale
Extras: Meyer lemon juice, Meyer lemon zest
Aroma: Meyer lemon oil, citrus rind, cereal
Appearance: Golden, hazy. Stiff, merengue-like white head. Leaves significant lacing in the glass
Taste: clean and crisp upfront with a wash of citrus oil, rind and juice flavour. Finishes dry and crisp encouraging another sip. Clean.
Mouthfeel: Low body, high carbonation. Effervescent and prickly on the tongue. Zippy.
Overall Impression: A thirst-quenching, low alcohol summer beer.