Ides 40: Pipeline Moe

Nobody worked harder than “Pipeline” Moe Norman.
Born just outside Toronto, in Kitchener, Moe earned his nickname for his ability to make shot after shot perfectly straight, as though the balls were going through a pipeline. He was so accurate that consecutively-hit tee shots would land on top of each other. Moe was self-taught and never took a golf lesson. He worked at hitting balls long after other golfers had packed up for the day. It is said that he hit 500 golf balls a day & once hit 1540 golf balls in seven hours. Moe loved to play fast & unconventionally. He carried his own bag during practices at the Masters & hit his drive off the first tee so quickly, the announcer could not get his name out in time. When his caddie suggested that he could make the green with a driver & a nine iron, Moe used the nine iron off the tee & the driver to the green.
Moe held two Canadian amateur titles and two CPGA titles. Though he joined the PGA in 1957, he was shy and preferred to stay local, so he only played in 27 PGA tournaments with one Top Ten finish. This does not stop many golf greats from singing his praises. Vijay Singh called him “God’s gift to golf.” Tiger Woods said he was only one of two golfers to “own their swings.” Moe was inducted into the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame in 1995.
Pipeline Moe played for the love of the game & we brew for the love of beer, so we’ve paid tribute with this refreshing, unfiltered classic German-style Hefeweizen showcasing notes of bright banana fruitiness and pungent clove; perfect with a light summer dinner.
OG: 12.5 Plato
IBU: 16
SRM: 3
Carbonation: 2.65 volumes, high
Recommended Glass: Weissbier glass (or failing that, a shaker pint)
Malts: German Pilsner, German light wheat malt
Hops: Mittlefruh
Yeast: Escarpment Weizen I
Aroma: Banana, clove, wheat thins, slight touch of sulfur
Appearance: Straw-coloured, cloudy/hazy with long lasting, whipped meringue-like head. Leaves significant lacing behind in the glass.
Taste: Clove and banana upfront, with slightly more accent on the clove phenolics. Touch of bubblegum in the back. Bread dough, water crackers, and pizza crusts follow with a touch of sweetness. Touch Barely present hop bitterness is in the background. Finishes refreshing.
Mouthfeel: Medium to medium-high body, slightly prickly on the tongue. Big, pillowy mouthfeel, though isn't cloying or hard to drink.
Overall Impression: A pale, spritzy, spicy, refreshing wheat beer.