Ides 67: Papa's Scotch Ale

Scotch Ale8%

From 1920 to 1924, Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway worked for the Toronto Star and lived, on and off, in an $85/month apartment on Bathurst St north of St Clair. Truth be told, he found the city’s squeaky-clean puritanical ways more than a little stifling, and despised his editor but he got by with “the occasional” scotch & soda and the company of his polydactyl cats. He did appreciate a few things about early 20s Toronto, however; Papa (as he was already known in his youth) was a fan of the local hockey squad, the St Patricks who would later be renamed the Maple Leafs, and he once wrote that “No city in the world has a better-run and more comfortable streetcar system than Toronto.”

Perhaps most importantly, though, the relative lack of distraction in Toronto, provided Hemingway the opportunity to hone his craft and become a truly great writer. Scholars agree that this period was hugely important in shaping the writing style that would earn him his place in history.

In honour of Hemingway’s go-to Scotch & Soda, we have brewed our own ‘scotch’ – a warming scotch ale that showcases complex malt character of hearty bread, dark fruits and dark caramel. With a full body and notes of molasses, light roasted cocoa, plums, toasted bread crusts and a lingering sweetness, this beer is perfect accompaniment to sitting around a warm fire on a chilly evening. For full effect, drink in the company of a polydactyl cat.

OG: 19.5
IBU: 25
SRM: 24
Carbonation: 2.25 Volumes (Low)
Malts: Pale 2 Row, Golden Promise, Crystal 65, Crystal 120, Chocolate, Flaked Oats
Hops: Magnum, East Kent Golding
Yeast: English Ale
Appearance: Dark brown with a tank head
Aroma: Molasses, light smoke, rum cake, baking spice, figs and cherries, mild alcohol heat
Taste: Sweet malt, molasses, light roast, plums, berries, earthy cacao, toasty bread crust, lingering sweetness
Mouthfeel: Full bodied with a creamy mouthfeel, lingering sweetness
Overall impression: A big, warming beer showcasing complex malt character of hearty bread, dark fruits and dark caramels

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