Ides 42: Rademüller’s Return

Back in October 2016, one of our earliest Ides releases was an English strong ale we named Rademüller’s Refusal, as a nod to the legend of J.P. Rademüller, the lighthouse keeper at Gibraltor Point who mysteriously “disappeared” one night in 1815, after declining to serve beer to a group of drunken soldiers.
In 2018, our friends at Muddy York brewed a delicious märzen that they named after the very same (albeit differently spelled) Radelmüller’s Ghost.
Fast forward to October 2019, and we’ve doubled down on Toronto’s original ghost story by collaborating with Muddy York to brew this thirst-quenching Festbier, the most commonly served Oktoberfest style in Germany. Festbier is a malt-forward lager with a light hop character, a lighter & more refreshing successor to Marzen,
OG: 13
IBU: 20
SRM: 6
Carbonation: 2.5 volumes (medium - low carb)
Malts: Pilsner, Vienna, Munich 2, Melanoidin, Acidulated
Hops: Sterling, Mittlefruh
Aroma: Fresh toasted bread crust, medium herbaceous hop aromas with moderate maltiness. Clean lager characters.
Appearance: Deep golden colour, bright clarity and white standing head.
Taste: Medium malty flavour, light toasty, bread dough quality with light sweetness. Medium-low bitterness. Crisp and fresh without dryness. Clean lager fermentation characteristics.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, smooth creamy texture with a bright crisp finish. Medium carbonation.
Overall: Smooth, crisp refreshing pale German lager. Noticeable malty flavour with a low hop character. Presents the superior quality of the German ingredients (Malts and hops) being used in this very drinkable Oktoberfest style beer.