Ides 88: Call Box 12

Extra Special Bitter5.3%
Classic style Extra Special Bitter, with a small amount of smoked malt. Medium bitterness, malty, earthy noble hop character.

Ides Story:
On a cold April night in 1904, a police constable on his beat noticed smoke pouring from a window at the corner of Wellington and Bay. By the time he reported the blaze from Call Box 12*, the smell of smoke was noticeable almost everywhere in the City of Toronto.

The fire spread quickly and, by the time it was brought under control the next day, it had burnt all the way to the waterfront. Every firefighter in the city fought the blaze and telegrams were sent to Hamilton and Buffalo with requests for reinforcement. The fire smouldered for two weeks as the cleanup began. Over 100 buildings were destroyed, causing $10 million in damages ($350 million in today’s dollars) but, amazingly, only one fatality. 

In the aftermath of what became known as The Great Fire, city hall implemented much stricter fire codes, leading to the construction of more brick buildings and ultimately reshaping the way Toronto grew.

*Call Box 12, which was used to sound the alarm, is the name for the volunteer canteen truck supporting Toronto Fire Services today.

OG: 12.7
FG: 2.9
ABV: 5.3
IBU: 30
SRM: 14.7
Clarity: Brown/Clear
Carbonation: 2.4
Malt: 2-row, carafa III special, acidulated, oak smoked wheat malt
Hops: Magnum, East Kent Goldings, Tettnanger
Yeast: English Ale II
Appearance: Clear + Deep Golden Brown
Aroma: Pleasant spicy floral hop aroma, roasty malt aroma
Taste: Smooth and medium bodied, malt forward, with a slight herbal hop flavour, finished off with a tinge of smoke from the smoked malt
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, slight lingering malt and smoke on the finish
Overall: This is a classic ESB with a slight smoked finish that is pleasant and finishes clean

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