Ides 10: The Henderson Cup

Black IPA with Raspberries7%

The Henderson Cup started as an idea: to celebrate the creativity and ingenuity of home brewers in our city.  Each year, we  seek out the best beers and crown one of the brewers the Henderson Cup champion.  The reward:  $1000 + the opportunity to create a beer with us for release as our Ides of February.

Our winner this year is Ed Hitchcock.  Ed is an award-winning, longtime home brewer who returned to the hobby after a hiatus of nearly two decades. Like Rip Van Winkle, he has found himself in a brave new world of ingredients and techniques, ripe for exploration. The Henderson Cup-winning beer was a raspberry Lambic-style ale, aged patiently for 22 years (!)   The Ides of February is a Black IPA with Raspberries which conveys the spirit of Ed’s Cup-winning Lambic in a more reasonable time.

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